
Introduce the details of Hugo Docker images.

Base Image

All images are Alpine based.

Minimal Image Tags

The minimal image tags (includes Hugo only) are begin with base (extended edition) or std-base (standard edition).

Default Working Directory

The default working directory is /src.


Default User

ImagesDefault user
Without non-rootroot
With non-roothugo

The hugo User

Regardless of whether the default user for the image is root or not, all images have a user named hugo, whose owns the /src.

NameUIDGroup NameGID


Default Command

The default command is hugo help (previously hugo env) since images tagged with 0.136.2, which prints help and then exits.

Command Aliases

If the entrypoint command is not a system command inside a container, then it will be treated as a Hugo subcommand.

docker run ... serverdocker run ... hugo server
docker run ... versiondocker run ... hugo version

Server Binding Interface

The hugo server/server will bind the by default, unless the --bind flag is set.

Default Shell

Since images are Alpine based, the default shell is ash (/bin/sh).